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Writer's pictureDr. Arun V J

How to avoid burnout?

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

Burnout seems to be a common scenario since the lockdown and with the flooding of online meetings and virtual classrooms. It’s been taking a toll on all of us even without us noticing, which ultimately translates into frustration and decreased productivity, and even family relation strains.

We were meant to be social animals and humans thrive only when we are in groups. Even introverts need the social structure they rely on to survive and find their daily sustenance. Covid hit us hard, but we are rising up again. We have stumbled here and there but we are moving forward and the world spins on. Due to the social distancing norms and government regulations, humans are no longer social animals, but ‘virtual online’ animals.

The constant online shopping, online meetings, and online classrooms have made us screen burnout and we don’t even recognize it. It has made us irritable, unhealthy, and sad. Our entire routines have changed and we are struggling to cope with it.

I have been attending so many online webinars and meetings on a daily basis so much so that I have started hating my computer. Everything became online and I can not see the face of my colleagues or spend quality time with them. Will I infect them, or will anybody infect me?

What to do when burnout hits you?

I passed through a phase of burnout before even realizing what was happening. Running around the department getting things done, doing a project, learning new things, attending boring meetings, and organizing boring meetings. All these made me bitter and I did not have the energy to spend quality time with my colleagues and family.

1. Burnout drug: Tea/coffee breaks

A person drinking a coffee
Have a cup of coffee

The first thing I did was have tea breaks.

Yup! coffee is my drug for burnout. I had a coffee break in the morning at 11:00 AM and evening at 4:00 PM sharp. If it is not a life-or-death situation, I will stop what I am doing and go for a coffee. In fact, I am having my 11:00 AM coffee as I am writing this piece of article.

It not only gives us some “me” time but also helps our minds organize the stuffs that needs to be done. Do you know what the most important ingredient of tea is? It is the company of a friend or family. So, I drag my colleagues along with me to the coffee machine, which they kindly oblige due to my burnout eyes.

2. Burnout plan: Have a small plan for the day

Rather than jumping head-on into the digital rush of high-speed internet and trash, when you wake up, have an idea of what to get done that day. Take a piece of paper and with bullets write what is to be done. My list usually includes 5 to 10 items. It will be highly difficult to get more than 10 important things in a day. Write only what is necessary.

No need to go into the details of each bullet. Keep it simple. Once you are done with a task, strike it off. It will help you organize as well as help in getting the satisfaction of finishing tasks. You will feel like you are completing things and making progress in your day and life. By this, we are telling your brain that you are not burnout but systematic progress.

3. Soothing your burnout: Music

I find solace in good music. Everybody has different music tastes and find a playlist or track which helps you set the mood for work or a track that you can listen to when you are feeling tired. Some may like soft smoothen music, some may like rock music.

I am adding a track that blends in with your routine work from YouTube.

Most of you might already know her. Our own hip-hop girl

4. Games

I do not if this applies to all, but I tried gaming to get relaxation. It did not give me much relaxation. I was not able to sit continuously to the game and it affected my working and studying. I tried small as well as big games, but it did not work out for me. You can give it try.

5. Anti-burnout Journaling

Journaling at each day’s end helps us reduce burnout significantly. It not only helps you track your daily activity, but you will also know what you could have done better, and any new ideas you found to be useful for the future.

A journal does not have to only about what you did that day. It can be about the thoughts you had that day. I usually write down what I should do to make a better life. Some thoughts about stoicism.

A journal

Stoicism is an excellent practice to tackle burnout. I suggest you read 'The Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius to get an understanding of stoicism. He was an emperor with the weight of the entire Roman Empire on his shoulders. The book is his journal which carries his stoic philosophy. Burnout is not an option when you are an emperor.

6. Plan your next day

When you are winding down for the day, it is better to plan what you are going to get done the next day. Make a list of things that need to be done the very next day. Iron your shirts and shorts, and keep your jogging shoes ready, like that. It helps us set a direction for the day. We have something to look forward to when we wake up. All these will reduce the friction of burnout in the long run.

7. The world will move on

The Earth or universe has been for quite a long time and it will be here long after you are gone. So, do not fret about petty trifles. In the long run of history, your actions will have a very limited effect on the course of history. We are just mere specks of dust who happen to have a beautiful life in us. Enjoy it.

8. Your Job

I would like you to go watch the movie fight club if you already haven't. It is one of my favorite movies and helps us realize the brainwashing we have been put through. We are not born to be a job. We are not our job.

A man with lot of post its on him
Do not be your job

The thing is do not burn out yourself for a job that will replace you the minute fall dead.

Let us know if you have a method that helps overcome burnout.

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